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Published on Oct 22, 2024
Government Jobs
Junior Officer Posts In NMDC Hyderabad
Junior Officer Posts In NMDC Hyderabad

National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)- Masabtank is invites applications for the following Junior Officer (Trainee) posts.

No. of Posts: 153


Segment wise: Commercial-04; Environment-01; Geo and Quality Control-03; Mining- 56; Survey-09; Chemical- 04; Civil-09; Electrical-44; Industrial Engineering- 03; Mechanical- 20.

Qualification: Diploma, CA/ICMA, Degree/Engineering Degree, PG (MBA) with work experience in relevant disciplines following the post.

Upper Age Limit: 32 years. There is a relaxation of 5 years for SC/STs; 3 years for OBCs and 10 years for PwBDs candidates.

Stipend: Per month Rs.37,000-Rs.1,30,000.

Application Fee: Rs.250; SC/ST/PWBD/Ex servicemen candidates are exempted in fee.

Selection Process: Based on Computer Based Test, Skill Test, Scrutiny of Certificates, Interview etc.

Online Application Last Date: 10-11-2024.
